Thursday 30 September 2010


1. I know something is wrong when someone call me by my real name ( not many know it)
2. I love to drink water,vodka, martini and a Antwerp beer called Bolleke and my favorite juice is passion fruit (cold)
3. I wear mostly nike shoes ,or platforms .... I never had a pair of Addidas.
4. I had my hair lilac,dark purple,blue,pink,grey,ash blonde,brown (off course),yellow
5. I dont have a best friend anymore ( I dont do that anymore) and my dog passed away.
6. Most of my friends are boys. (hot boys)
7. I never leave the house without : Ipod,Blackberry,inhaler for asthma,bottle of water,my agenda (i still likes to write down stuff), pen and wallet.
8. I like pop music like Britney when i work,when i am angry i listen to placebo,radiohead,nirvana,marylin manson .....I listen mostly to electronic music and 80's.
9. I love leopard printed clothes, and soon i will buy a Bengal cat.
10. I love to sleep ,and i love to be very warm in bed with lots of pillows. I have a small pillow that says Beste Freundin (in german) present by my dearest friends Fanklub DJ's,i always have in my bed.
11. I started this blog when i left Belgium and my friends asked me to make a blog so they can see what i was doing and photos of Bogota.
12. I like more winter than summer,despite i live in South America ,here is cold like winter london cold ,so maybe thats a reason why.
13. I love to party ,and specially if it is with Elspeth and Pierre, we always have FUN !
14. I know more Europe than my own country ,i will try to change that soon...
15. I have a brother and a sister and both talk dutch (weird) ,i just say Bedankt.
16.I dont know how to dance any music from this part of the globe,samba, salsa,merengue ,you name it,im just not burn with those genes. favorite disches are japanese or german and mexican home made meals with friends.
18.I have lots of polaroids from all my friends in my room ,i dont think there is one person sober in the photos.
19. I wear glasses since i was i got prada ones and i love them.
20.I think kids are annoying and i only like the kids from friends and family ,i will never have a little human,there are too many in this world....